It’s going fast, so get it now while you can. At this store, we’ve cut prices on our popular Adjustable Long Pendant Chain and Earrings for a 47% discount. Browse our fast-selling selection today and save $48.72. Limited-time offer, while inventory lasts!
- Gender: Women
- material: Zinc alloy
- Available in gold and silver tones
As you can see, the goods in our Jewellery Sets category have exceptional consumer properties due to the careful approach to their production, because in manufacturing, we use only the best materials and tools. If you want to learn about other features of this product, you’re more than welcome to ask any questions: our experienced support managers are always ready to help you.
Does this product meet all the manufacturing standards?
We strive to provide our clients with high-quality goods. Thus, we make sure that all our products, including the Adjustable Long Pendant Chain and Earrings, match the necessary requirements before starting to sell them.
I would probably want to look at some more variations. How can I do this?
You can see all available product variations right in the description of our Adjustable Long Pendant Chain and Earrings, so you’re welcome to choose any!
I’m not sure I can afford it. Any thoughts?
Having completed our own market research, we can assure you it will be challenging to find something of identical quality for a lower price than $50.00.
Do I need to pay any taxes?
Taxes may be included, but it depends on your location. In any case, you will see the total order cost together with the taxes (if any) on the checkout page before you confirm the order.
Is there some positive feedback about your Classy Jewellery Set?
All our customers who left a review speak highly of this product and its value for money. Furthermore, it has a brilliant design.
I want to post a photo of my purchase on Facebook. Is that OK?
If you want to place photos of our products on the Internet, you’re free to do so. Certainly, you won’t face any objection on our part.
Is it possible to get my order delivered to some other address?
Feel free to request the delivery to any address necessary because it’s OK if it doesn’t match your place of living.
I want to order several units of the Adjustable Long Pendant Chain and Earrings. So should I worry about their simultaneous arrival?
When you order several units at a time, we may put them into several packages, but they should anyway arrive together.
How many of these are in stock?
The number of available products changes on a daily basis, which is why there is no universal answer 🙂 But as long as there is no special notification on this page, the Patterned Necklace and earrings set can surely be bought.
If I have some questions about the Classy Jewellery Set, what should I do?
Look at the bottom of the page to see the ways to contact our support service. Feel free to use any of them because we will happily answer any questions on various matters.
The products look interesting, but is your store trustworthy?
All the transactions in this store are processed securely, with respect to your personal and financial privacy. As you can see it from our previous buyers’ experience, we deliver what we promise!
Is it legal for you to distribute these products?
When selling these and other items, we strictly follow the legal regulations obligatory for this sphere.
Customer –
Fast delivery, good packaging. Jewelery set as described. Packer place Gold in silver box. This is part of communication to customers
Customer –
Beautiful set. Absolutely matches the photo. Delivered on time, despite the fact that there were New Year’s holidays in Russia. Thank you.
Customer –